Friday 23 January 2009

Accessing the Chad Vale VLE

From a web browser access: and use your Chad Vale e-mail user name and password in the SINA log-in box. You can also access your staff email from here too by clicking the tab on the top of the page.

ICT Themes (Kent Ed)

"As a general requirement, teachers should provide pupils with opportunities to apply and develop their ICT capability in all subjects (except physical education and the non-core foundation subjects at key stage 1). For each subject, these translate into specific, statutory requirements to use ICT in subject teaching. Teachers should use their judgement to decide when the use of ICT is appropriate at key stage 1 in the non-core foundation subjects."

We are committed to improvement in ICT!

Chad Vale Primary School is working towards the ICT Mark and is registered on the Next Generation Learning site...

Curriculum Review Key Stage 3 Programme of Study (NC)

Curriculum Review Key Stage 2 Programme of Study (NC)

Curriculum Review Key Stage 1 Programme of Study (NC)

I am going to use the blog to collect all of the information I will use to review our current ICT Scheme of Work...

Section 3 Teaching and Learning Summary Action Plan (cont'd)

Section 3 Teaching and Learning Summary Action Plan

Sunday 11 January 2009

ICT Mark at Chad Vale Primary School

At Chad Vale Primary School, in Harborne, Birmingham we have always been extremely proud of our ICT success, and decided that gaining the ICT Mark would give a fantastic opportunity to review our progress and allow us to refine our vision for the future of learning and teaching using ICT.

The initial step involved accessing the Becta Self-Review framework and completing each aspect, involving staff throughout the school. Their responses of where they thought we were for each section of the review were averaged to give a final self-review 'score' for each aspect of ICT, and this information was entered onto the Becta electronic system.

We then used the self-review framework action planning tool to produce an action plan for each area, but felt the need to condense each plan into a more workable and achievable 'mini-plan'.

Section One- Leadership and Management was the 1st area we tackled...